Submission Strategies

The Irish Submissions to Richard II, 1395

Notarial Instrument 37

The Submission of Magawley et al

Submission text (English, translated by Edmund Curtis)

Notarial Instrument XXXVII records that: on the 14th day of March, 1394 [N.S. 1395], in a certain room of the King’s within the enclosure of the Friars Preachers at Drogheda, in the presence of King Richard and of the notary and others, the lords Magawley, Muirchertach Mageoghegan, and Schynagh (‘Fox’), all of Meath diocese, and Thomas MacHegh [MacThaidhg] of Clogher diocese, famous Irishmen, removing their girdles, daggers, and caps, fell on their knees one after another at the feet of the King, and with hands joined, &c. [as in Instrument I], each then arising after the other and holding his hands erect between the hands of the King, took these words in Irish, which were rendered in English by John Bocombe, interpreter, of Meath diocese, viz.:

‘I become liegeman ’, &c. [as in Instrument I].

‘For observing of which allegiance, &c., each took, in turn corporal oath. Thereupon the King admitted each of them as his liege, and they requested me to make them public instruments.’

Witnesses : the Archbishop of York, the bishops of London and Chichester, the Earl of Nottingham, Thomas Percy, William Stormy, and John Rothe, knights.

Submission text (Latin, transcribed by Edmund Curtis)