Submission Strategies

The Irish Submissions to Richard II, 1395


These network graphs show the connections between parties documented in the sources. They are constructed in Observable using the D3.js library.

Like the map, these networks are based on data extracted and cleaned from the submissions - but it's important to note that data cleaning is not clear-cut. The process involves a series of decisions about what data to include, what and how to standardize, how to interpret silences or lacunae, and more. For that reason, the completed site will include both the text of the submissions (as transcribed and translated by Edmund Curtis) and my own spreadsheets so that you can see my editorial decisions and interventions.

How to navigate the networks

The first network graph shows the notarial instruments as green nodes, connected to all the people (represented as blue nodes) who were present at the submission event. Hover over a node to see the name or instrument number. Click on a node to access a link to the person or instrument's authority file. Click on any node to dismiss the popup.

The second graph shows links directly between people and allows you to filter the graph according to the type of relationship. As with the first graph, hover over the node to see the name and click on it to see the link to the authority file. Use the dropdown bar above the chart to change relationship type.

Under both graphs, find a link to the Observable notebook, which you can fork to make your own visualizations.

Notarial Instruments

Relationship Types