Submission Strategies

The Irish Submissions to Richard II, 1395


John Burghill, king's confessor

Alternate Spellings: Borghulle, Burghull, Bruchilla

Submission Documents


John Burghill served as the king's confessor until 1396, when he was made Bishop of Llandaff.


St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster Palace

Further Reading

Richard G. Davies, "The Attendance of the Episcopate in English Parliaments, 1376-1461," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 129, no. 1 (1985): 30-81.

C.F.R. Palmer, "Fasti Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum: The Provincials of the Friar-Preachers, or Black Friars, of England," Archaeological Journal 35, no. 1 (1878): 134-165: 155.

"John Burghill", Wikipedia

"Chapel goods," Richard II's Treasure

"Kings at St Stephen's," UK Parliament Living Heritage


Margaret K. Smith