MacShane, see p. 162, and under FitzMaurice.
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A great war broke out between the English of Connaught. Mac Maurice was banished from his territory by Mac William; and Mac Maurice fled for protection to the Clann-Rickard. Mac William, Hugh O'Conor, King of Connaught, and William O'Kelly, Lord of Hy-Many, marched with an army to Upper Connaught against the Clann-Rickard, and remained there nearly three months engaged in mutual hostilities, until at last Mac William subdued the Clann-Rickard; whereupon the hostages of these latter were delivered up to him, and he returned to his country in triumph.
Mac Maurice na-m-Brigh; Owen, son of Rory O'Kelly; Murtough, son of Murtough O'Conor; and Bebinn, daughter of Ualgarg O'Rourke and wife of Tomaltagh Mac Donough, died.
O'Conor Kerry (Dermot, the son of Donough) was slain by Mac Maurice of Kerry.
Thomas, the son of Mac Maurice of Kerry, was slain by James, the son of the Earl of Desmond.
A war broke out between the two O'Conors in Machaire-Chonnacht, in the course of which Dermot Roe, son of Teige O'Conor, was slain at Cuil Ua bh-Fionntain by O'Conor Don, aided by the Mac Maurices na-m-Brigh of Brize, and some of the sons of Felim.
Edmond, son of Mac Maurice of Kerry, was slain by Cormac, the son of Owen Mac Carthy.
Margaret K. Smith