Submission Strategies

The Irish Submissions to Richard II, 1395

The notarial instruments produced in 1395 form the core of the project. However, other records - including annals entries, chancery records, property deeds, and more - provide crucial context and help to flesh out the rich, polyvalent social networks of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Ireland, revealing its complexity and dynamism. Individual references are linked on each page. Here you'll find bibliographic information, descriptions, and links (where available) to the editions and projects cited.

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Notarial Instruments

These pages contain the text of the notarial instruments, letters, and other sources related to the submissions, as edited and transcribed by Edmund Curtis.

Transcribed and translated by Edmund Curtis in Richard II in Ireland, 1394-5, and Submissions of the Irish Chiefs (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927). This work is now in the public domain. The work has been digitized by the National Library of Australia.

In addition, Myles V. Roman published a further notarial instrument that, although it did not make it back to England with the bundle of documents that Curtis edited, nevertheless documented a genuine submission. (Myles V. Roman, "Some Mediaeval Documents," Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 7, no. 2 (1937): 229-241.)

CELT Texts

Many of the surviving annals were edited by scholars like John O'Donovan. Those editions have been further edited and prepared for the web by the Corpus of Electronic Literature (CELT) at University College Cork. Here I've provided bibliographic information for both the printe and online editions.

Other Databases and Digital Resources

Print Works

Where possible, I have linked to publicly available, digitized versions of these texts.

Selected Secondary Sources